Congratulations! You are taking the very first step towards a life-changing experience. Almost one year ago I took a life-changing decision to apply for AIESEC in Egypt MC team, even though I had a lot of doubts about whether or not I will be selected, but I decided that I wont be missing this opportunity cause I owe this entity a lot and because I beilieve that AIESEC in Egypt deserves nothing but passionate, respsonsible and authentic leaders. I understand how hard taking such a decision can be I was there not so long ago. It takes a lot of passion, resposniblity and courage to step up and lead AIESEC in Egypt especially through the continuous challenges happening around. Leading AIESEC in Egypt requires a lot of dedication, discipline, efforts and sleepless nights, but buelieve me it is worth it.
So get ready for a thrilling journey of shaping AIESEC in Egypt and Shaping who you are. Wishing you a benefecial process full of learnings and success. And don't forget to be true yourself to Refine our Genesis that has been always decorated with tons of honorable successes and achievements.
Open for Learnings
Growth Mindset
Data Driven
Team Player
Decision Maker
MC Life and Conditions
TEAM DATES- Must be available physically at the MC office no later than 31st of May
- Must be available virtual/physical transition starting from 15th of April
- The MC term officially starts from the 1st of July 2021 till the 30th of June 2022 which is a total period of 12 months
SALARIESMC members’ Salary is up to 5500 EGP/month, part of it will be based on KPI’s and another on MOS (apx.:325 EUR/month).
WORKING CONDITIONSThe MC office is located in 6th of October City along with MC Flat, where working spaces, internet and other essential needs are provided. Traveling for the sake of Serving AIESEC in Egypt will be covered based on 21|22 financial Budget
Process and Timeline
Application Release
15th of MarchLetter of Intent DDL Deadline
11:59 PM GMT +218th of March
Your Application won't be eligible without submitting LoI
Application Submission DDL
11:59 PM GMT +220th of March
LCPs Vote of Confidence
21st of MarchUnmentioned Process 1
21th of MarchUnmentioned Process 2
25th of MarchUnmentioned Process 3
27th of MarchApplication Package
Tell us more about yourself in one A4 PDF page max.
Blank Paper Challenge
In one page PDF propose & give an answer to the biggest question that you have for AIESEC in Egypt today.
Executive summary
One page PDF summary of your entire application.
One A4 PDF page max .
Personal Photo
It will be used in the Candidates Announcement, if you pass application phase.
Introduction Video
4 to 7 mins CREATIVE introduction video with your personal
why are you applying for MC and strategy executive summary presentation.
Please upload to Youtube or drive and provide the link in a PDF.
Endorsement Letters
1. Someone you led
2. Someone who led you
3. A team mate
4. External (No AIESEC affiliation)
The letters must have signature, email and WhatsApp number for contact and to be submitted in PDF format
Application questionnaire
1. All questions must be answered in the same PDF
3. Minimum font size is 10
4. You have maximum 12 pages. Cover page isn't included
5. There are 7 specific blocks of questions separated in the roles of AIESEC in Egypt. Each block has several questions, in which the candidate will choose 1 question per block to answer. All of the blocks need to be answered and the candidate must choose 1 block in which he/she must answer the full block. The 2 general block must be fully answered
Structure a proposal that reflects your vision
as MC candidate for the 21.22 term, for the main role you are applying for
Should be submitted in PDF format
1. Who are you? What do you aspire to become through AIESEC, Why are you applying for MC 21-22 of AIESEC in Egypt?
2. What are your key strengths and weaknesses? What are your top 3 personal values and unique contribution? How will they influence your term, the network and the MC Team?
3. Please mention your previous AIESEC Experiences and achievements.
4. What is your leadership style and how will it affect AIESEC in Egypt?
5. If you would choose a leader, dead or alive to represent you, who would he/she be? Find 5 similarities and explain how and why you see yourselves matching?
6. If you were given the chance to lead the world for 1 month, what is the first thing you will do, what will you change from the past and what will you change for the future?
1. Evaluate the impact of AIESEC in Egypt 18|219, 19|20, 20|21 national strategies and their implementation in the network.
2. How will the current pandemic shape and affect AIESEC in Egypt?
3. What have we learned as an organization from our 2015 and 2020 mid-term ambitions? How do we take those learnings forward into our 2025 mid-term ambition?
4. Create a 1 year detailed plan with timeline of how can AIESEC in Egypt become more relevant and starting to impact Egypt through every single exchange we do with including the issues you will work on? ?
5. What will AIESEC in Egypt remember about the 2021|2022 term? Describe the main achievements and milestones for the team?
6. Create and design a roadmap for AIESEC in Egypt for the term 21|22. Including (Strategies, projects, KPI's and targets) -
1. Create a network management and netowrk alignement plan?
2. Assess AIESEC in Egypt culture and propse the culture you want to implement including a change management plan.
3. Please evaluate and asses the current OD Model of AIESEC in Egypt. Provide Global GCPs to make it stronger and have a bigger impact on our entity.
4. Please evaluate and asses the current OD Model of AIESEC in Egypt. Provide a plan to have all Expansions to jump to full membership LCs in one year.
5. How can AIESEC in Egypt be accessible in every city through expansions?
6. Propose 3 new different planning methodolgies and mention their pros and cons. -
1. Provide a strategic plan to create, execute and track a succession plan for AIESEC in Egypt as an entity and for its LCs (may not be exclusive for each LC).
2. How do you see the impact of Talent Management on AIESEC in Egypt? What are the main challenges in TM that we are facing and what is your proposal to overcome them? How can you capitalize on the TM processes?
3. Please evaluate and asses the current Perfromance Management System of AIESEC in Egypt, and identify 3 main areas of improvement.
4. Create a Profiling system for AIESEC in Egypt Membership.
1. What does it mean to you to have all entities being sustainable? Based on your answer, how do you assess overall AIESEC's sustainability currently? Why do you think that it is this way?
2. What are the main risks and potential crisis that might affect AIESEC in the near future? How would you avoid/ minimize the impact of them on the entity?
3. What are the biggest challenges in finance and legal in 20|21? How would you overcome them in the year 21|22?
4. What would be the key indicators you would measure from all entities to know how healthy is AIESEC? How would you collect data? What are the analysis you would do with the data?
5. Create a plan for Internal legalites that ensure that every LC is having an updated local compendium that is aligned nationally
6. Propose 3 new sources of revenue and 3 cost cutting strategies
7. Create a utlization plan for EFB
1. Choose an AIESEC ELD Product and analyze the product over the past three years. Identify the key growth opportunities for the product that you could capitalize on in 21.22 and create a product roadmap .
2. Do a customer-flow-based Customer Journey review for your ELD product. What are the main gaps and changes we need to change? Set the action plan for its implementation and describe the synergies role for making this happen?
3. What are the key areas of responsibility of a Product Head? Benchmark with at least three examples from external organizations and identify how those external examples could be implemented in AIESEC.
4. Create a Supply and Demand analysis for your ELD product. Please, consider main contributors, performance together along the customer flow, their performance as entity and relation between Egypt and the entity. Based on your analysis, what should be the top 5 partners for that ELD product and actions in 21|22 to grow with them?
5. Do your network management planning for 21.22. Take into consideration routine, capacity building, communication and touch-points?
6. Propose a local structure for your ELD product that ensure customers centricity and maximym development for our members?
7. How will you ensure 80% conversion from Finished to Completed and 80 NPS in your ELD product? -
1. One of the main responsibilities of the Business Development team is account management of national Partners. Benchmark at least three organizations that AIESEC can learn from, explain why you chose them and state clear examples of activities that can be taken forward by adapting them to the AIESEC context and elaborate on the potential results it can bring to the organization.
2. Besides the current product portfolio, what additional products would you implement to engage our partners in a more strategic and impactful way? State a minimum of 5
3. How can AIESEC in Egypt go viral through partnerships? What will your contribution be like? What kind of partnerships will make this happen?
4. Over the last five years, AIESEC has shaped its partnerships strategy around mobilizing 1.8 billion young people towards the SDGs. Create a detailed plan for the next two years that outlines the different strategies that AIESEC should pursue in order to generate more awareness, engage more people, and drive action through partnerships and projects in order to achieve our commitment to the 2030 agenda.
5. Develop a comprehensive network management plan where you outline what will be the strategy to manage the BD Commission, leverage on the presence that AIESEC has the current partners and how to get more partners through these partners.
6. How can PD department get 1 million EGP profit next year for the entity, provide a detailed plan with timeline?
7. Create an ALUMNI Management detailed plan.
1. Which external technology trends should AIESEC capitalize on in the upcoming years? Propose at least two concrete initiatives that would incorporate that trend inside of our technology strategy.
2. Create a detailed visualization of the data that we currently have in AIESEC in egypt and how is this data gathered?, create a plan on how to maintain it.
3. If during your year you could select only 1 platform to develop, what would that be and how would this impact AIESEC in Egypt, our ecosystems, and bring the organization to the next stage? provide a product roadmap
4. Creata a pipeline and capacity building plan for IM.
5. Propose 3 new features for every platform we have. -
1. What does it mean for AIESEC to be a global organization in terms of brand and operations? Assess the current reality and how can we leverage on the power of 20 different chapters and realities.
2. How can we ensure that our brand content is relevant, in an era where there is content overload in all our social media networks?
3. Choose 2 new channels we have never conquered before and create a detailed plan describing how these channels will boost the reach of AIESEC in Egypt.
4. Create a plan for B2C for OGX and for ICX considering adding new ideas that was never implemented before and synergies with the exchangers.
5. Create a 3 marketing analysis for AIESEC in Egypt.
6. Propose 3 changes in our National Landing Page
7. Compare between Centralized vs Decentralized Marketing in AIESEC in Egypt while mentioning the pros and cons.
Submition and Guidelines
Send one “.zip or .rar” file named as “MCVP_Name_Surname” with all the documents in it. Make sure you create separated files for all documents. The application must be written all in English. You will receive a confirmation within 48 hours validating your application. If the application does not fulfill all requirements, the candidate may be rejected from the process
Send your applcation to the following Emails: